"You know, sweetheart, cats sure can be quite the talkers!"


Cats are much like people. They all have their distinct personalities and no two are the same. 

Some cats are loners and would just as well never see another cat in the house. In fact, Smokey, who has lived with my wife and I for many years still is not chummy with two other cats in our household. Oh, she tolerates them but that it is about it. She clearly feels that even after all the years she is the greyish blue Siamese Queen.

Cats know by instinct the ranking order. Make no doubt about it in our home Smokey is numero uno.

Our other two cats, Bella and Holly, do the smart thing and give Smokey right of way. Whether it is feeding time or bed time they know to let Smokey prance in first and be petted and attended to. First to treats, first to grooming, and when it comes to the condos the penthouse suite.

My wife and Smokey have an enduring bond. Smokey comes to bed at night and makes a beeline to my wife's side of the bed and likes to "play tent" as we go off to sleep. She will burrow under the sheets over on my wife's side of the bed and sleep for hours curled up under the covers. Our other cats know my wife's side of the bed is no mans land when it comes to them.

Cats are much like people as well when it comes to vocalizing. Some people talk quite a bit and seem to have much to say while others are on the quiet side. Smokey is on the quiet side.

Like in an old western Smokey is a cat of few words. A Jimmy Stewart type of cat.

Smokey will meow now and then and when gets louder she really means it! "I am not pleased with something," she is obviously saying.

Bella, on the other hand, is a talker. First thing in the morning, if not a surprise visit in the middle of the night, she will meow and meow to beat the band. And loudly!

Bella seems to be announcing that it is time to get up. Time for some movement and attention. Time for pouring food into my breakfast bowl.

Once Bella has accomplished waking me up and being attended to she reverts back to extended sleep/nap mode.

She will be found throughout the day sleeping/resting in all of her favorite places.

Now what about our third cat Holly? Holly not only is for the most part quiet but she can be down right anti-social.

During the day Holly is not to be found. You can rummage the closets and look for her all over the house with no success. She is a kind of Houdini of cats!

Occasionally during the day you might get a sighting of Holly at the water trough or disguised in one of the condos.

She plays a kind of lost and found during the day. It is important to know that the game is totally on her terms!

Now, when it comes to vocalizing, there is never really a bad meow. Hissing and growling happen occasionally but confrontations are soon over and no one holds a grudge. Soon it is dinner time or nap time again or time to hang loose with catnip.

Time for Smokey, Bella, and Holly to hang loose for a pot party. Here comes the catnip!

Now what possibly can we humans draw from this cat behavior.

When you meow, have something to say. 

Don't bring meanness or unkindness into your meowing.

Bottom line, when living with cats, just enjoy being around them and enjoy the independent spirit and sense of wonder that they bring to a home.


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