"Sweetheart, do you think Holly is putting on weight?" THIRD CUP OF COFFEE Our cats, for the most part, have been trim, agile, fairly small, and well groomed. Cats are fastidious and they don't for the most part like not looking their best. They are, each in her own way, divas. Cats like to keep themselves and their territory in good order. They spend a lot of time grooming themselves and demand clean litter boxes. If the box is not clean, out they come! Cats are truly amazing when it comes to personal hygiene. Whereas it takes a child a couple of years to get potty trained cats have bathroom habits down immediately. No changing diapers. No constant reminders that it is time for a change. Cats, just like us, come with their own physique. Over the years my wife and I have lived with several cats that can only be described as chubby, well fed, or frankly overweight. Holly, who lives with us now, is in this category without question. Even when on weight management regimen ...